Traffic Ticket Attorneys
Traffic Lawyer – Fayetteville and Ft. Bragg
At The Richardson Firm, we provide skilled representation in both state and federal court for traffic tickets and other violations such as speeding, DWI/DUI and reckless driving.
The Richardson Firm is your legal solution to traffic violations.
If you have been charged with a traffic offense in Cumberland County or on Fort Bragg (formerly Fort Liberty), it is important to seek a dedicated defense attorney to represent you and your rights.
Our firm has more than 100 years of legal experience, and two of our attorneys are former Assistant District Attorneys. This gives our firm the “know-how” of the local court system. We can put that knowledge to work for you in the following areas:
Federal Traffic or Impaired Driving Charges? We can help!
The military police of Fort Bragg, North Carolina issue hundreds of citations every year. If you’re charged with a traffic offense or other crime on a federal installation, you will be given a court date in federal court. Often, this federal courtroom will be located far away from your home or workplace.
Multiple attorneys at The Richardson Firm are authorized to practice law in federal court. In some cases, you can waive your appearance in Federal court by hiring The Richardson Firm to represent you.
Cumberland County Traffic Charges – Waive Your Appearance
If you are charged with any kind of traffic offense in Cumberland County, North Carolina, you may be ordered to appear at the Cumberland County Courthouse, located at 117 Dick Street, Fayetteville, NC on a particular day and at a particular time.
Spending a day in court for a traffic ticket can be wasteful and time-consuming, keeping you away from your job or your family. If you live outside of the Fayetteville area, these problems are compounded.
Our attorneys at The Richardson Firm can often appear in court on your behalf, allowing you to go about your normal life without the hassle of spending a day in a crowded courtroom. Call us today to inquire whether this option is available in your particular case.
License Reinstatement in North Carolina
If you have an outstanding traffic charge that was never adjudicated, the State of North Carolina will suspend your driver’s license. If you’re license is suspended or revoked and you continue to drive, the tickets can pile up quickly. The attorneys at The Richardson Firm can assist you in resolving old called and failed charges and enable you to have your license reinstated. We will work with you and develop a plan of action to get you back on the road, legally.
DWI And Serious Traffic Offenses in Cumberland County
Ignoring serious traffic charges can have a profound impact on your bank account, your personal freedom, and your ability to drive in the future. Our attorneys routinely represent individuals charged with serious traffic offenses in both state and federal court, including:
- Driving with a Suspended License
- Driving while licensed revoked
- Insurance violations
- Moving violations
- Speeding tickets
- Called and failed charges
- Underage drinking
- Reckless Driving
Contact Our Fayetteville Traffic Lawyers Today!
Paying a fine does not make a traffic violation go away. In fact, uncontested traffic charges can impact you and your record for years. An increase in points against your driver’s license or insurance policy means you could be at risk for a license suspension or higher insurance premiums. Do not ignore your ticket. Speak with an attorney first.
To start your consultation, contact our Fayetteville law firm by calling (910) 488-5050 today or fill out a simple contact form below!