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Federal Traffic Tickets

There is often confusion about if receiving a traffic violation on a military installation is serious or not. It is! Traffic tickets on North Carolina military bases like Fort Liberty and Camp Lejune are enforced by federal law. The military police of Fort Bragg and Camp Lejune issue hundreds of citations every year. If you’re charged with a traffic offense or other crime on a federal installation, you will be given a court date in federal court, and it is important to seek a dedicated defense attorney to represent you and fight for your rights.
Whether you’re a service member or a civilian who has received a traffic ticket on post, you will need an attorney that can represent you in federal court. The Richardson Firm has multiple attorneys who can assist you with federal tickets. In some cases, you can waive your appearance in federal court by hiring The Richardson Firm to represent you.
Some of the most common federal traffic violations include:
- Speeding
- Unsafe lane changes
- Driving wrong way on a one-way road
- Failing to stop at a stop sign or red light
- Reckless driving
- Following too closely
- Failure to maintain lane control
The attorneys at The Richardson Firm can appear in court on your behalf, allowing you to continue your normal life without the hassle of spending a day in a courtroom.
On-post traffic tickets affect everyone who drives onto a military installation including service members and visitors. Since many people are not familiar with how military traffic violations are treated, legal help is highly recommended. Outside of the military installation, traffic laws are treated the same as anywhere in NC. However, the moment you enter federal land, it is imperative to follow the law or be prepared to face federal legal consequences. All the laws, including traffic rules, are enforced by the federal government once you’re on a military base.
It can be confusing to be told to appear in federal court for something as trivial as a traffic ticket; however, it is important to prepare yourself with the best defense. Upon arrival at federal court, an Army Judge Advocate will prosecute you for a violation of federal law and a federal judge will oversee your case. It is important that you prepare for this hearing and have an experienced on-post traffic ticket lawyer with you at the time.
If you have received a violation for DWI/DUI, you may face losing your license. In some cases, you may be eligible to obtain limited driving privileges. Limited driving privilege in North Carolina can be granted for essential purposes such as employment, maintenance of your household, education, court-ordered treatment or assessment, community service ordered as a condition of probation, emergency medical care, and religious worship.
North Carolina law is specific about when and how the privileges are granted. It is best to hire an experienced attorney from The Richardson Firm to help navigate your situation.
Submit a DL-123 form from your insurance company. Your insurance agent can email or fax this to you or your attorney. This form expires in 30 days.
Complete an alcohol assessment, or DWI class. There is usually a fee to pay to the course provider.
Get an interlock device if needed.
You or your attorney will need to prepare the appropriate form from the NC Judicial Branch website to file in the court where you were charged.
If you need to work outside of standard business hours (Monday through Friday 6:00 AM – 8:00 PM), you will need to get a letter from your employer or provide other documents to show why you need to drive for work outside of those hours.
File the document with the clerk of court and pay the $100 fee.
Paying a fine does not make a traffic violation go away. In fact, uncontested traffic charges can impact you and your record for years. An increase in points against your driver’s license or insurance policy means you could be at risk for a license suspensiYou on or higher insurance premiums. Do not ignore your ticket. Speak with an attorney first.
Call us at 910-488-5050 to schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys.